The Mission: Burnin' in Mexico. Wane chose the colors we will work today.

When we arrived in Mexico, I had to get some matching colors for some fill action. plus, i wanted to hit a paint shop anyways.

I know i was rollin' with Montana Team Wane but, since we were in Mexico, and i spotted this Mexico paint called 3sixty, i wanted to give it a try. Today my green fills were 3sixty Bonzai, & 3sixty Yoda.

These birds were flyin' in troops Yo!

ahh, the beach. start of a good day.

these dogs were up to somethin'. i looked over at what they were lookin at and it was blank walls. so we smashed burners rite there.


Mr.Wane. shout out to Eyemax for trying to talk spanish to the neighbors, cheers!we painted the walls anyways. Libre & Kafy from HEM for the hospitality and comming out and chillin' with us. Twas a fun time!

$15. at the border traffic lines. some guy was determind to sell us these masks yo! regular price is $28.USD! i brought it down to $15.bucks after he followed us and kept throwing them back in my car for a quarter mile.

my part! Made in Mexico.